
Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

The Bibliochaise

The bookcase is furniture that must exist in the home and desperately needed by some people.However, what if the House is already full with the existing furniture? Bookshelf multifunction solution.Don't worry with the limitations of wide spaces and the number of pieces of furniture that you have.The company Nobody and co. create a multifunctional bookcase! Bookshelf ' The Bibliochaise ' not only as a book shelf, but could also be a comfortable chair to be used to read the collection of your personal books.

Multifunctional bookcase at once the Chair is composed of assorted color order chairs and pillows. On the side of the Chair does not like chairs and sofas are usually, but there are ' gaps ' and the ' Gap ' is to be a place to store your kesanyangan books. The wheel also features hidden Bibliochaiseunderneath. So, if you want to move the rack to another place will be easier.

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