
Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Bookshelves Unique

Unique bookcase can be a complement to home interior design to make it look more attractive again.Bookshelf also can be the character pointer residents who love to read and love collecting books. If you are indeed a big fan of the book, select book shelves like two unique designs below.



Bookshelf design group designers works Italy Capolinea prioritize this eco-design. So this shelfmaterials using materials that are environmentally friendly. What do I use? They use their tuberecycling, wood cellulose, cardboard, and iron water pipes to make this book shelf.

2. Chuck

With only two ingredients, and stainless steel triplex, Natascha Harra-Frischkorn of Hafriko create aBookshelf named Chuck. The bookshelves that are simple yet very functional. With two stainless steelas a cradle and a few sheets of triplex as a man's book, design Bookshelf is really artistic to complement the interior design of your home. and it is very harmonious with all models of the Housebecause it looks elegant.


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