
Selasa, 24 November 2015

3 The Latest Minimalist House Ceiling Models

The Latest Minimalist House Ceiling Models

The ceiling is the latest breakthrough could be done. The reason, the design of the ceiling can affect anarrow or airy impression in a room and there are so many ways that you can do to have a beautiful home. The ceiling became important elements in a home, because its function is to give a feel ofcomfortable inside the home. In connection with style variations, or models that are available are increasingly diverse. Here are some of them:

1. Ceiling gypsum
 This type of ceiling using gypsum. This is one of the best-selling materials used at home is minimalist, since the result is neat and elegant, as well as motifs and designs can be made to vary
The Latest Minimalist House Ceiling Models

2. Fiber ceiling. 
 The material is also suitable for minimalist house paired. The fiber material is perfectpaired up in the living room or the vestibule. The material that absorbs sunlight into the main reason why this material is preferred, in addition to its easy and the end result looks fancy

3. Ceiling glass block
 This material can be combined with the bebragai type of material that is usuallycreated for the ceiling of the House. In addition to its simple, this material also has a simple color. The combination of ingredients is very suitable to produce the impression of a living room or family roomthat rapid an exquisite. In addition, this type of ceiling with glass block also easy to obtained.

The Latest Minimalist House Ceiling Models

When you choose to create a model of the ceiling, make sure that model does not conflict with the theme House or theme of the room. In this case, you choose to make your minimalist home. It's goodif the materials and gypsum models were also made as simple as possible, such as with glass block.

Modern minimalist house ceiling model is increasingly varied, modern home owners are always looking for the design and the look of a home that is unique and different from other houses, including the look of the ceiling. Surely not many future modifications are shown, except for accessories or a motif that you can use. A unique motif can also be obtained by mengkreasikan the use of materials such asplywood, or other creative types. Model ceiling minimalist House must still give priority to simplicity.The ceiling with an intricate design and using a lot of accents will make the room look small andcramped. Preferably, use a high-ceiling if the the living room or family room you are small. A highceiling presents a more spacious and airy.

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